Nomenclature for WTC Inverters

WTC has more than 20 different sizes and configurations of inverters to suit your needs. Each of them are identified by an alpha-numeric naming convention.

G6: Signifies the 6th generation of inverters from WTC's development cycle

E: First letter after the dash means the base rating current

First letter after the dash means the base rating current

  • A: 100 amperes at 10% duty cycle
  • B: 400 amperes at 10% duty cycle
  • C: 600 amperes at 10% duty cycle
  • D: 1000 or 1200 amperes at 10% duty cycle
  • E: 1800 amperes at at 10% duty cycle
  • S: 900 amperes at 3% to 5% duty cycle
  • Z: 900 amperes at 2% duty cycle - Projection Welding Steel applications
  • F: 2400 amperes at 10% duty cycle
  • G: 4800 amperes at 10% duty cycle
  • H: 7200 amperes at 10% duty cycle

  • W: Cooling method for the inverter

    There are two methods for cooling

  • A: Inverter is cooled by air fins
  • W: Inverter is cooled by water circulation

  • 6: Peak voltage rating for the power bus of the inverter

    There are two ranges

  • 4: Inverter IGBT peak voltage rating = 530 volts; optimal for voltage mains of 500V and lower
  • 6: Inverter IGBT peak voltage rating = 630 volts; optimal for voltage mains of 600V and lower
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